Má-ka Juk Yuh: A Genealogy of Black Queer Liveability in Toronto

Má-ka Juk Yuh: A Genealogy of Black Queer Liveability in Toronto in Queering Urban Justice: Queer of Colour Formations in Toronto (pg. 62-83) Edited by Jin Haritaworn, Ghaida Moussa, and Syrus Marcus Ware, with Río Rodríguez. University of Toronto Press ©2018.

Queering Urban Justice foregrounds visions of urban justice that are critical of racial and colonial capitalism, and asks: What would it mean to map space in ways that address very real histories of displacement and erasure? What would it mean to regard Queer, Trans, Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (QTBIPOC) as geographic subjects who model different ways of inhabiting and sharing space?